Welcome to cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Over the past two decades or so, I have assembled a vast array of recipes, particularly those that have become favorites with friends and family. My long term goal was to publish a cookbook to pass these tried and true favorites on. That idea started before blogs. So, I have created this blogsite where I can share these culinary tidbits. I hope you find something that you and your family embrace! I look forward to hearing from you as well! Thanks for checking out my cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


1 2/3 cups Flour 2 3/4 oz Butter
2 large Eggs
1 Tbsp dry Yeast
2 Tbsp Sugar
1/3 cup Milk (warm)
1 pinch Salt
1 Egg Yolk (for glaze)

  • In a bowl, mix the flour with the yeast, make a hole in the middle.
  • Add the warm milk mixing with the tip of your fingers.
  • If you're using a stand mixer, pour the milk slowly and steadily while mixing, with the hook attachment.
  • Add the sugar and a pinch of salt, then add the soft butter by piece until each is worked into the batter.
  • Then one by one, add the eggs, mixing well between each.
  • Work the dough until it is elastic and detaches from your fingers or bowl more easily.
  • Cover and let rest in a warm place, away from drafts, for two hours, until it doubles.
  • Work the dough again for 10 min and divide it in four balls.
  • Place the 4 balls in a greased 10" loaf pan and cover. Let rise for an hour again.
  • Preheat the oven at 400 degrees F.
  • Brush the brioche with the egg yolk mixed with a dash of sugar.
  • With a pair of scissors, make small cuts at the top of each ball.
  • Place in the oven to bake for 10 minutes.
  • Reduce the heat to 350 degrees F and bake for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Remove from oven, and remove from the loaf pan. Let cool on a rack.

Prep Time:    3 hours, 30 minutes
Bake Time:   30 - 40 minutes

Servings:       4 - 8

DavidLee Recipes © 2011

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