Welcome to cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Over the past two decades or so, I have assembled a vast array of recipes, particularly those that have become favorites with friends and family. My long term goal was to publish a cookbook to pass these tried and true favorites on. That idea started before blogs. So, I have created this blogsite where I can share these culinary tidbits. I hope you find something that you and your family embrace! I look forward to hearing from you as well! Thanks for checking out my cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Books could be written on the virtues of Chicken Soup - and they have...  And there probably have been many books written on the "perfect chicken soup", as well as cookbooks compiled highlighting the never-ending and diverse array of recipes for this soul-healing comfort food. An appreciation for this basic of all comfort foods is like the appreciation of art and music - it is completely subjective. I would venture to suggest that the majority of this subjectivity equation is directly related to nostalgia and one's family experience. After all, everyone's Grandmother makes the best Chicken Soup in the world, right?

Here is my recipe for this basic comfort food. I have to mention at the start, each time I make Chicken Soup it's different than the last time. I use the basic core recipe and change many or most of the ingredients to suit my needs or tastes at the moment, or.based on what I have available. But, the backbone of my soup remains the same. The best quality comes from fresh chicken stock and attention to detail in preparing the chicken.


  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 medium Onion (diced)
  • 1 Celery Stalk (diced)
  • 2 Bay Leaves
  • quarter Chicken*
Use about a quarter chicken. I prefer to use a hind quarter to give the stock full flavor, and a breast to give the soup white meat. I usually use what you have on hand in the freezer. Remember, that necks, backs and even chicken feet (often referred to nowadays as "chicken paws", will give you a great base for your stock.

  • In a dutch oven, add the olive oil, onion, celery and chicken parts. 
  • On medium high heat brown the chicken on all sides for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Add 3-4 cups water and bring to a simmer for 40 minutes.
  • Remove the chicken parts from the stock and set aside.
  • Prepare the chicken meat removing it from the bones, cutting into bite sizes.
  • Be sure to remove the unwanted parts - including bones, cartilage, skin and veins


  • 3-4 cups mixed Vegetables** (fresh, frozen or canned)
  • 2 Potatoes (cubed with skin on)
  • 1 cup fresh baby Carrots
  • Salt and Pepper (to taste)
  • Water or Broth (additional, as needed)
  • 1/2 bag Egg Noodles*** (Extra-wide or Dumpling style)
** About the Vegetables
For my standard chicken soup combination, I prefer to use frozen mixed vegetables, peas and corn, with fresh carrots and potatoes. The choices here only limited by your imagination, and what is available in your kitchen.

*** About the Noodles
For my standard chicken soup combination, I use Egg Noodles. Any noodle or pasta that suits your taste can be used. Remember there is a wide-range of rice available, and also barley.

  • Starting with the 3-4 cups chicken stock, bring to a simmer on medium heat.
  • Add the chicken meat to the stock.
  • Add your choice of vegetables, potatoes and carrots. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Salt and Pepper to taste.
  • Add Egg Noodles and bring to a simmer letting the noodles cook for 10 minutes.
  • Add a cup or so of water if needed.

Preparation Time: about 90 minutes
Makes: 4 quarts soup
Serves: 6 - 8 (but can be stretched for more)

DavidLee Recipes © 2010

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