Welcome to cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Over the past two decades or so, I have assembled a vast array of recipes, particularly those that have become favorites with friends and family. My long term goal was to publish a cookbook to pass these tried and true favorites on. That idea started before blogs. So, I have created this blogsite where I can share these culinary tidbits. I hope you find something that you and your family embrace! I look forward to hearing from you as well! Thanks for checking out my cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Saturday, October 16, 2010



LAYER 1 - Scalloped Potatoes
3-4 Red Potatoes (halved and sliced) 
2 Tbsp Margarine
2 Tbsp Flour
1/2 cup Milk

LAYER 2 - Dressing
6-8 slices Bread (cubed and air-dried)
1/2 Onion (diced)
1 stalk Celery (diced)
1 Egg
Salt and Pepper
1/8 cup Milk

LAYER 3 - Pork Chops
2-4 Pork Chops
Lowry's Seasoning
Salt and Pepper

Heat oven to 350 degrees F.

Layer 1
  • Layer sliced potatoes in bottom of casserole. 
  • Dab margarine over top of potatoes, season lightly with salt and pepper.
  • Sprinkle flour evenly over the potatoes.
  • Pour milk over potatoes until it comes to the top layer of potatoes.

Layer 2
  • In a separate bowl combine bread cubes, onion and celery, salt and pepper and egg, and milk.
  • With hands, combine all ingredients until the majority of the bread is moistened, and the egg and milk are evenly distributed in the mixture.
  • Lay the dressing mixture over the potato layer so that it it evenly distributed.
  • Gently press the dressing down so that it is lightly compressed and in contact with the bottom layer.
Layer 3
  • Place the Pork Chops on top of the dressing.
  • Gently press the chops into the dressing.
  • Lightly season with Lowry's and salt and pepper.

Place in oven uncovered, and bake for 1 hour.
When done the pork chops will look browned and the filling below will be bubbly.
Remove from oven, cover and let sit for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Serves: 2 - 4

DavidLee Recipes © 2010

1 comment:

  1. This is a great single-dish recipe that my mom made has made since I was young, and it is still a family favorite. It is one of those dishes that you just can't get enough! I also have made this dish with chicken breasts. Enjoy!
    - DavidLee

