Welcome to cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Over the past two decades or so, I have assembled a vast array of recipes, particularly those that have become favorites with friends and family. My long term goal was to publish a cookbook to pass these tried and true favorites on. That idea started before blogs. So, I have created this blogsite where I can share these culinary tidbits. I hope you find something that you and your family embrace! I look forward to hearing from you as well! Thanks for checking out my cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Dried Bread

  • Using any bread that is beginning to stale, let air dry overnight.
  • If needed, further drying and light toasting of the bread can be done. In a 250 degree F oven, place bread slices on cookie sheets until desired dryness is achieved.
  • Place bread into blender and pulse grind. 
  • Continue pulse grinding until desired crumb size is achieved.
  • Any "balls" that form are moist breadballs - remove and dispose them by hand.
  • Store is sealed storage container or a large jar for easy access.
DavidLee Recipes © 2010

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