Welcome to cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Over the past two decades or so, I have assembled a vast array of recipes, particularly those that have become favorites with friends and family. My long term goal was to publish a cookbook to pass these tried and true favorites on. That idea started before blogs. So, I have created this blogsite where I can share these culinary tidbits. I hope you find something that you and your family embrace! I look forward to hearing from you as well! Thanks for checking out my cyberTRUNK Recipes!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Olive oil
½ large Onion (halved and sliced)
2 small Yellow Summer Squash
2 small Zucchini
   - both types sliced in half length-wise, then cut into ¼ inch half circles
1-2 Roma Tomatoes (diced)
2 large fresh Sweet Basil leaves (ripped into pieces)
2 tablespoons Margarine
Salt and Pepper (to taste)  

In an iron skillet, heat olive oil on medium heat. Add onions and sauté until lightly carmelized.
Add squash, tomatoes, basil leaves, margarine, and salt and pepper to taste. Sauté for 5-10 minutes.
Remove for heat, cover and let sit for 5 minutes before serving. Serves 4.

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